Posts Tagged ‘rifle’

Are the current gun control laws as good as it is going to get?

I believe that responsible adults should be allowed to own and carry a firearm. I also believe that if you made it illegal for those people to carry a firearm, the criminals would still carry, seeing as how their guns are mostly illegal already.

In this Episode of 30 Days the activist hates guns after her therapist was “massacred” by a patient in a gun related murder. If that person was willing to commit murder, I’m sure they were willing to illegally obtain the weapon for that purpose or use another weapon.

If there was not a single firearm to use in crime and murders they would still occur. Crime and murder have existed as long as men have had things that other men wanted, rather that be material things or otherwise. Even before man learned to wrangle an explosion into a directed projectile people were killing people in much more barbaric ways. Look at how violent the pre-firearm days were. I would rather be shot than bludgeoned to death by a mace, or have my stomach slit open by a broadsword weilding crusader for Christ. Crime is something that will never be stopped. People are, at root, animals. We are beasts that are at best only partially civilized. The world is full of people who want everything but simply don’t want to put forth the effort to earn it. Murder is more often than not a crime of passion, and that passion will find a way with or without a firearm. People are stabbed to death daily, perhaps we should regulate who can and cannot buy kitchen ware. The fact that her therapist was murdered by a firearm is just shear coincidence. The one who killed her was set on murder and could have done it with a pen from his pocket if he wanted.

They touch on the VT shooting a few times in this episode. At the UofU they allow their students to carry firearms on campus (which I was unaware of prior to watching this). I feel that if the students at VT (not all but the responsible ones) were armed there would have been fewer casualties. At the same time I feel there is the slim chance that if there were 10 scared young adults in the room with guns rather than 1 there may have been a crazy John Woo style Hollywood shoot out, but I’m most certain that the shooter would have just been gunned down by his peers.

I am pro guns, and I firmly believe in our 2nd Amendment right to bear arms! Let me know what you think. If you have any LEGIT ideas on how to allow law abiding citizens to keep their constitutional right and to keep them out of the hands of criminals both I and the Federal Gov’t would love to hear it.

If nothing else skip forward to about 35 minutes in and watch the story of someone who used his 2nd amendment right to protect his family from a man on a murderous rampage.

I’m sure i’ll catch heat from the mysterious “Mistah Jay” on this one too. perhaps you should show who u are Captain Secrecy. Everyone else who posts has used their names and email addresses but you seem to wish to remain cloaked.

Image courtesy of Michael (hence the blank comment)

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